What to Watch This Week: RIMM, Builders, For-Profit Schools and Cards

There's never a dull moment on Wall Street. Let's go over some of the items that will help shape the week that lies ahead.

1. Dark days for BlackBerry: All of the Windows Phone 8 news issued by Microsoft (MSFT) in recent days should remind smartphone fans that there once was another company that had IT departments giddy with the wireless possibilities.

These Little-Noticed Tax Hikes Are Raiding Your Wallet

In a tough economy, the last thing many people can afford is for the government to take more of their money. Yet at least in some places, recent tax increases have already taken a big bite out of taxpayers' wallets, and the worst may be yet to come.

The 7 Safest Banks in America

Moody's recent downgrade of 15 of the world's largest banks, along with JPMorgan Chase's (JPM) multibillion-dollar trading loss on risky derivatives, make it clear that certain big banks aren't as safe as depositors might have hoped. Still, consumers have to keep their money somewhere.

401(k) Fees: What You're About to Learn Will Shock You

Honesty may be the best policy, but sometimes, the truth hurts.

New rules for 401(k)s that go into effect July 1 will require more complete disclosure about retirement account fees. that means that when investors open their statements this fall, they'll be able to see in detail how those previously hidden fees are chipping away at their retirement savings.

Hedge Fund Manager to Pay $405 Million to Madoff Victims

ALBANY, N.Y. -- A settlement announced Sunday will bring $405 million to victims of Bernard Madoff's (pictured, right) historic investment scam, the state attorney general said.

Rich and Beautiful: World's Sexiest Billionaire Offspring

These dashing youths are not only attractive, but as the children of the world's wealthiest people, they are also devastatingly rich.

Having billionaire parents has its perks, from $60 million weddings to private yachts.

Jamie Dimon Quickly Filets the London Whale's Costly Trades

After all the media, regulatory, and congressional commotion surrounding JPMorgan Chase's (JPM) $2 billion-plus loss on a massive derivatives bet made in its London office, it now looks like CEO Jamie Dimon's infamous "tempest in a teapot" comment may have been accurate after all.

Consumers to Get $1 Billion in Health Insurance Rebates

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Health insurers will dole out a total of $1 billion in rebates to 12.8 million Americans this summer -- an average of $151 per family --as a result of the 2010 health care reform law, the government said Thursday.

You're a Responsible Borrower? 'So What?' Say Credit Card Banks

Lately, the banks that issue credit cards have seen some significant improvement in the way their customers have been treating them.

But it probably comes as no big surprise to discover that the card companies aren't repaying the favor.

Fed Extends 'Twist' Program to Drive Interest Rates Lower

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Federal Reserve is trying again to jolt an economy that's being held back by a weakened job market.

To spur borrowing and spending, it's extending a program designed to lower long-term U.S. interest rates.

At the end of a two-day policy meeting Wednesday, the Fed also sharply reduced its forecast for U.S. growth and said it's prepared to act further to bolster the economy. It reiterated its plan to keep short-term interest rates at record lows until at least late 2014.


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